Fake self -The latest social Paradox

We have come a long way from slow primitive lifestyle to a rapid occurring world. But what did really change from our early occupations? ; Nothing. It’s just that we are doing the same things but on a simply different level. Take food, water and clothing .Long ago we did all the process from hunting, cooking and even manufacturing our own clothes. Even the useful furniture and utensils were homemade.

So did we stop eating, drinking, wearing clothes? Nowadays we all just have to acquire that special thing called money and all your needs are fulfilled. Through constant progress of technology new “necessities” were added to the basic list…and why not! Everyone will agree that it makes life more enjoyable and easy, and so we started labelling every possession as a necessity, which eventually turned into a disease of wanting more and more even to a point where we are making our life miserable. Wait! What??  Miserable?

I’m sure everyone will start pounding on me and say that they know many people who own many things, have money and they don’t seem to be miserable or sad at all.Owning things is a welcoming trait to all.

That’s where the concept of fake self comes into play. Modern society is full of ideals and influences that it started to develop a mindset where people think of them as some sort of reference point and that they should work to reach that point in order to be happy, to feel good. Take all those famous actors , singers, sportsman and even politicians for example .People tend to take the lifestyles of these celebrities as the reference point and with the fast development of advertisement and media it’s really easy for people to get trapped into it.

The problem is that this “point” is always moving and is 100% unreachable .I know it’s really important to have goals, desires and ambitions. But what most people are doing now is just imitating life of others not living their own.

 Then there is this big question: why do they act like that? Or why do they feel the need to do it?

I sat down for weeks pondering on how to solve that mystery. Then one day I finally realised i was just blending into the crowd and what i really had to do was to stand apart in a clear cut edge and observe the whole crowd.

And then all started to make sense. what we all have is a fear of being rejected or not be recognised by people around us; society itself. We all have taken a liking into being praised by people, looking down to some just because they own less.

With all those rushing of possessing more each individual in the crowd has become some sort of empty vessel. They started to suppress their emotion just to keep going, Saying to themselves they are nearly there. Then suddenly all crashes ,sure they have money , possessions and even people around them but there is still that feeling of emptiness , their mind is still rushing still in doubts…then few week later they seek another “point” and they start again!

What we really need is to take a moment breath. Calm our mind .Then think about this

1. Why am I going for this “point?”

2. Why did I go through all those storms through the past? Was it the only choice?

3. Am I really at peace?

4. What can I really say about experiencing or living my life to the fullest?

5. Am I enjoying it?

This list can go inexhaustible. In short we are making a self-assessment.

And I’m sure this assessment will make you reevaluate yourself as an individual.

My answer for the whole article above from the very first line:

We don’t need to live such complicated life. Being stressed everyday takes us away from really appreciating the way our life is. Ease your routine and you will be less stressed, more energetic to tackle the few problems left head on.

It’s okay not having things that others have. As long as it has no use for you, don’t own it. Think of possessions as tools you need and not as an identity tag.

Free your own time. You don’t need to always say yes to people, know your priorities because otherwise you will just end up with a heavy schedule having no time for yourself.

Start living with a more deliberate mindset.

Hopefully when you reach your last stage of life you will be able to look back with no regrets having a feeling of accomplishment.

Published by Jay

writing my perspective

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